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Plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault information data collection and statistics
Plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault information data collection and statistics
The main content of the plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault information including the following aspects.
(1)等离子废气处理设备故障对象(系统、设备、部件)的识别数据:设备的种类、编号、生产厂家、出厂 F1期、使用经历等。
(1) plasma waste gas treatment equipment failure object (system), equipment, components of identification data: the types of equipment, serial number, manufacturer, factory F1 period, using the experience and so on.
(2) plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault identification data: icp waste gas treatment equipment fault type, the scene of the waste gas treatment equipment failure form expression, plasma waste gas treatment equipment failure time, etc.
3) plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault identification data: plasma waste gas treatment equipment failure object, plasma waste gas treatment equipment failure reason, test data, etc.
4) about the history data of plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment failure equipment.
The source of the plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault information is as follows.
1) plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment failure field investigation data.
(2) plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault feature analysis report.
(3) plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault repair list.
(4) the use of the equipment running status report, the equipment operation of the mouth.
(5) regular inspection records.
(6) state detection and plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault diagnosis.
(7) product specifications, factory inspection, the experimental data.
(8) record equipment installation and commissioning.
(9) repair inspection records.
Plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment failure data information collection notes below.
(1) according to the rules of procedures and methods to collect data.
(2) the purpose must be clear, collect the information data is useful for plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment fault management.
(3)记录的情况和数据要力求清楚、准确无误;要对记录人员进行教育、培训,健全 责任制。
(3) record the situation and try to be clear, accurate data; To record personnel education and training, improve the responsibility system.
(4) calculate the cost of loss method and standard to unity, there is no comparable.
(5) data collection personnel responsible for collecting data authenticity.
The content of the original records including well equipment as follows.
(1)跟班维修人员做好检修记录,要详细记录设备等离子废气处理设备故障的全过程,如等离子废气处理设备故障部位.、停机 时间、处理情况、产生原因等,对•些不能立即处理的设备隐患要做详细的记载。
Maintenance personnel to do maintenance records, (1) classes to detailed record the whole process of plasma exhaust gas disposal device failure, such as plasma waste gas treatment equipment failure positions., downtime, processing conditions, reasons and so on, can't immediately processing equipment, some hidden trouble to do detailed records.
(2)操作工人要做好设备的点检(平常的定期预防性检丧)记录,每班按照点检要求对 设备做逐点检查、逐项记录。对点检中发现的设备隐患,除按照规定要求进行处理外,对 隐患的处理情况也要按要求认真填写。以上的检修记录和点检记录定期汇集整理后,h交 企业的设各管理部门。
(2) the operators must complete the equipment check (the usual regular preventive inspection thereof) to record, each class in accordance with the requirements for the tally of equipment point check and record item by item. Discovered in the tally of equipment hidden danger, in addition to the requirements for processing in accordance with the relevant provisions, handling of risk is also to fill in as required. Above the maintenance record and check regularly after finishing assembling, h/enterprise management departments.
(3)填好设备的等离子废气处理设备故障修理单,有关技术人员会同维修人员对设备等离子废气处理设备故障进行分析处理 后,要将详细情况填人等离子废气处理设备故障修理单。等离子废气处理设备故障修理单是等离子废气处理设备故障管理中的主要信息来源。
(3) fill in the equipment of plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault repair list of relevant technical personnel, in conjunction with the maintenance personnel of equipment after plasma waste gas treatment equipment failure analysis, details to fill in plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment fault repair list. Plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault repair list is plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault management, the main source of information.
等离子废气处理设备故障统计作为控制等离子废气处理设备故障停机的基本手段,已为广大设备工作者所熟知,也早已成为我 国设备传统管理中的一项内容,而且很多企业已实现了等离子废气处理设备故障停机率的指标要求,与阔外先 进水平相比也不很落后。
Plasma waste gas treatment equipment fault statistics as the basic means to control plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment downtime, has been known by the general equipment workers have become my equipment is part of a traditional management, and many enterprises have realized the plasma waste gas treatment equipment downtime rate index, compared to the vast outside into the first level is not very far behind.